MH Athletics Registrations

MH Athletics is proud to announce a new program offering in partnership with Sky High Volleyball. 

Give your athlete the opportunity to reach their peak performance for Nationals this summer with the Pre-Nationals Performance Camp. 

This camp meets twice per week over the course of 5 weeks. 

What Can I Expect? 

➔ Physical preparation-develop speed, power, stamina & strength—establish peak performance in time for nationals 

➔ Prepare your game-day mentality with a mental pre-performance routine—develop grit and confidence 

➔ Train in a supportive, positive environment with other growth-minded athletes 

➔ Workout tracking via TrueCoach—your athlete can access their mental and physical training if unable to attend a session 

The Details 

Starts: Wednesday May 29th at 5:30pm 

Meets: Wednesdays & Fridays 5:30-6:30pm 

Where: Sky High Volleyball 1450 Harris Road, Libertyville *sessions held in weight room, each session is 60 minutes 

Open to ALL girl athletes ages 12+


Marina Hirata

Phone: 847.769.8992